Peter Hung Pain Research Institute Research Fund 2023
Call for Applications

The Peter Hung Pain Research Fund is now inviting applications for projects with translational potential in pain management. The main objective is to apply knowledge derived from basic neuroscience research and engineering principles to develop treatments and translational tools for pain relief. The aim of this call is to fund projects with substantial contributions from international collaborators.
- The research proposal should meet quality criteria of international excellence
- Translational potential – the proposal should lead to therapeutic innovations that can be developed into feasible tools or treatments for managing pain, in an affordable, non-intrusive way.
- Proposals should ideally involve multidisciplinary collaboration across different faculties within CUHK.
- Priority will be given to projects that have completed an initial successful review by recognized funding agencies, such as the GRF, Innovation and Technology Fund, etc.
- Projects should have acquired, or demonstrate the potential ability to acquire external funding (e.g. matching funds, industrial partnership funding), and/or substantial patents.
- Ultimate products should present the PI and/or the PHPRI with entrepreneurial opportunities, and some likelihood for the financial sustainability of the technology developed.
Funding amount
The seed funding will be up to HKD 4 Million per project, with the possibility for project extension upon satisfactory progress. The duration of the project period should normally not exceed 2 years.
All CUHK academic staff of Assistant Professor/Research Assistant Professor or above are welcome to apply. Collaborations with other international Universities and/or external parties is required. However, the project must be led by the CUHK principal investigator.
Application Documents
- Completed Application Form
- Declaration Form endorsed by Head of relevant Department/Unit
- Undertaking
- Letter of Collaboration
- CV(s) and Publication List for PI and all Co-Is
Application Deadline
15 December 2023 (Friday)
Please refer to Guidelines for PHPRI Research Fund (Oct 2023) for further details. For enquiries, please contact us at 3505 1913 or