Peter Hung Pain Research Institute Research Fund 2021
Call for Projects

The Peter Hung Pain Research Institute is calling for medical science and technology research and development projects with translational potential in pain management. The focus is to deploy knowledge gained from basic neuroscience research and engineering principles to develop treatments for the relief of pain. Both limited seed funding and more substantial funding for established projects with clear translational and commercial potential are available. Further details may be found at: “Guidelines for PHPRI Research Grants (July 2020)”
The Institute aims to allocate strategic development funding to research proposals led by Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) researchers that meet the following criteria:
- The research proposal should meet quality criteria of international excellence
- Translational potential – the proposal should lead to therapeutic innovations that can be developed into feasible tools or treatments for managing pain, in an affordable, non-intrusive way
- Proposals should ideally involve multidisciplinary collaboration across different faculties within the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Collaborations with other Universities are encouraged, however the project must be led by the CUHK principal investigator
- Projects that have completed an initial successful review by recognized HK granting agencies, such as the GRF, or Innovation and Technology Fund will receive priority. If short-term seed funding is provided, successful review by such agencies is expected within a reasonable time frame, generally 2 years
- Projects should have acquired, or demonstrate the potential ability to acquire external funding (e.g. matching funds, industrial partnership funding), and/or substantial patents
- Ultimate products should present the PI and/or the PHPRI with entrepreneurial opportunities, and some likelihood for the financial sustainability of the technology developed.
Please include the following information in your proposal for review:
- Project background
Details and short Curriculum Vitae of research team members
If the project involves non-CUHK researchers, please estimate the relative contributions -
Detailed description of the proposal :
- Methodology
- Anticipated deliverables and translational plan with estimated timelines
- Relevant details of previous work relevant to the proposal
Budget forecast
Please briefly provide an estimate of the market potential should the project be successful. If external grant support/external investment income is anticipated or will be sought, please also provide a brief summary of potential sources
For further detail relating to grant application and procedures, please refer to : Guidelines for PHPRI Research Grants (July 2020).
Applications for funding by the PHPRI Research Institute is now open to all CUHK members, who are at least of the rank of Assistant Professor/Research Assistant Professor. Potential CUHK principal investigators may consider collaboration with external parties.
Please deliver your proposal to the PHPRI Office on or before 17 December 2021.